
The Monday Market

This place has for itself, a thing called the Monday market. It begins where the rail tracks and the days of the many people traveling on them end. It looks like a swamp, illuminated,a swamp of people and goods. You have to wade in to make sense of this chaos. The socks are shoved into your face and then the scrubbers and then the watches they don't even stop with the cheap jewelry and then the pesticides (they kill rats and bugs together). It goes brushing you away, the guys stand with the stuff they sell around their neck, they are like posts, they wont move, you flow around them and around you flows the noise and flow the faces you wished you could see and those you are glad you did not. Behind you is the frustrated whirr of a scooter stuck in the melange, honking the life out of it's horn, one of the very few instances when you blissfully ignore a request to move your presence. The faces are tired and their hair is unkempt, their lips bitten and full of blood clots, their sandals struggling to keep themselves together, their eyes reflecting the blank flow,blank and colourful,blank and vibrant,blank and like a monday morning.


Abhishek Raghuram said...

Their lips bitten??

Sagar Kolte said...


Chitrak said...

monday morning?

Sagar Kolte said...

chit~yes :-)

Chitrak said...

I am totally confused. Why would they sell stuff on a monday morning?

Sagar Kolte said...

chit~dude they dont sell stuff on a monday morning, the look in their eyes was blank, like a monday morning.

astroid said...

hahaahhahah i had the same question as chitrak.. this is getting really funny..
So let me confirm we are not talking about mrkets held specially on monday??
We are talking about markets where the people eyes as blank as a mondays morning??

Chitrak said...

thanks for the backing ching, why exactly are they called monday markets then?

Sagar Kolte said...

I am talking about markets which are held on mondays evenings and where people have eyes as blank as monday mornings.

I am surprised that I had to explain this but any way, I guess it is clear now. :D

ether said...

Nicely written.
I enjoyed reading it.

Sagar Kolte said...

fingers~thanks! :-)

Mental Floss said...

Well, I haven't had experiences with Monday Markets. Interesting.
Reminds me a little bit of Crawford. Not entirely, though. Just the crowds, and the honking two-wheelers...

Sagar Kolte said...

it is interesting how the audience paints images which are so radically diffrent from what the author paints in his mind, yet so consistent.:-)

Chitrak said...


Sagar Kolte said...

When I describe things, I have Images of the object in my mind, when the audience reads they have their own images. Both talk correctly about the same piece of description, yet they could be radically diffrent.

Mental Floss said...

True, True...
*nods head*

Chitrak said...

so you're talking about desription of a description or the thoughts formed on an image of a description? They could be radically different how? in wot? Have patience with me....

Anonymous said...

Hey Saagar,
I liked this post....quite discriptive and of the very few posts that i've enjoyed reading on your blog.

Sagar Kolte said...

Anon~thank you :-)


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